Thursday, September 06, 2012

Beating the Inevitability

Mike's boots sloshed along the path with that unique, semi-erotic sound that results from the stretching and bending of wet fabric and rubber. He turned slightly and smiled in my direction. "Man," he said, "I was worried that we were going to get wet for a second there." A fat drop of water fell from the brim of his ball cap and joined its brethren below.

Clouds enveloped the foothills that bordered the creek and everything looked mystic, otherworldly, soft yet impenetrable; an inviting dreamscape of unknown intentions which cooed and soothed and beckoned these anglers toward moving water and a chance at beating the inevitability of what happens when atmospheric water vapor becomes heavy enough to fall under gravity.

In other words, Mike and I went fishing and it rained on us all fucking day.

Mike and I went fishing and didn't give a damn about no wetness.

Mike and I went fishing and punched stained water in the face.

Mike and I kicked ass.

-Alex who thanks Mike for the ride, good conversation, the quality time on cool water and the towel. I like a man who thinks ahead.


  1. The pleasure was all mine, Alex. And, as you well know, any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.

    1. Haha, yes. Hitchhikers, aren't we all.

  2. From reading Mike's post I wasn't sure if y'all caught any. Glad to see you did.
    Good job on both of you!

    1. After a day like that, I was mighty glad, as well. Thanks, Jay.

  3. I have heretofore not heard of squishing boots as being erotic. Or even semi-erotic.

    1. Not even a little? Think hard, now...

    2., you're right. Well played.

  4. We didn't realise you had such a poetic soul - we were moved... ;-)

    1. My soul waxes poetic like a boss.

  5. Nice. Done that before. As I told my fishing buddy once before, "Who cares if it rains? The fish are already wet."

    1. True.
      Wet I can handle all day. I am just happy it wasn't cold. Cause you ain't seen Alex mad like when he is wet and cold. That shit is not for desert people.

  6. I recently learned that Mike is not working on splitting this year's firewood, but next's. A man who plans ahead indeed. Great post, Alex...

    1. Thanks, Erin. Even if having a plan is the first step towards failure, preparation is time never wasted.


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