Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's more awesomer than what you had for dinner.

-Alex who knows that you know he is right.


  1. Deeply, deeply disturbing.

  2. Are you sure you ain't from the South?

  3. I smiled, then almost teared up, and finally my heart tightened briefly. Truly a thing of manly excellence gentlemen!

  4. "I don't always eat food, but when I do, I prefer bacon."

    Don't be scared Davin, the magical pig will make everything okay... I wouldn't recommend this meal before taking a stroll on the beach, though.

    South? Nah, but I do watch Swamp People.

    Thanks, Drew. I may have also have shed a tear, but then again it might have been grease... hard to tell.

  5. That bacon loaf was one of the best experiences of the last ten years of my life. Not only did it taste awesome... I could feel it slow my heart down and then it slowed me down. It was kinda like being high the first time you smoked weed. The kind of experience that makes you "stop and smell the roses" Slow down and take a look at life and as we all know in America time does not grow on trees and we waste it trying to save it. Shit I'm rambling again Bacon loaf is awesome to sum it all up!

  6. More bacon strips!

  7. I like the cut of your jib, Brian.

  8. Probably the best post ever to feature on FGFF....well except for the ones about beer,manly behaviour,Aaaron & Kyle!


What sayeth you?